Are there any childs in that room ? (訂正)
childs → children
(1) We didn't have any ( ア food イ foods ). So we were all hungry.
(2) I have a lot of ( ア homework イ homeworks ) to do today.
(3) The game was a lot of ( ア fun イ funs ).
(1) ア (2) ア (3) ア
I like a dog very much. (訂正)
a dog → dogs
I have ( ) ( ) ( ) her.
made [ become ], friends, with
Every ( ) in the classroom ( ) sleeping.
student, was
No one in this town know me. (訂正)
know → knows
(1) I don't have ( ア a car イ any cars ).
(2) I don't have ( ア a friend イ any friends ) .
(1) ア (2) イ
(1) I susually brush my teeth three times ( ア a イ the ) day.
(2) I can't play ( ア a イ the ) violin, but I want ( ウ a エ the ) violin.
(1) ア (2) イ (3) ウ
(1) They take care of the sick every day.
(2) The Greens invited us to the party.
(3) We have the right to know the truth.
(4) There are different ways of thinking about this issue.
(1) 彼らは毎日病気の人たちのめんどうをみた。
(2) グリーン家の人々は私をパーティーへ招待してくれた。
(3) 私たちには真実を知る権利がある。
(4) この問題についてはいろんな考え方がある。
(1) He usually goes to the bed at eleven in the evening.
(2) I go to the hospital by a car.
(3) I climbed the Mt. Fuji three years ago.
(4) I wish I could fly in sky .
(1) the bed の the をとる。
(2) a car の a をとる。
(3) the Mt. Fuji の the をとる。
(4) sky → the sky